“KLG was the only company that accepted me as International”
Aitna Christofidou,
Intern warehouse

Aitna Christofidou, 23 years old, intern warehouse, 4th year Logistics Management student at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Venlo
From the first moment on, KLG was the only company which accepted as International. I am originally from Cyprus and am therefore an International within KLG, something which did not withhold them to treat me the same and make me feel welcome, just like the other new interns. This feeling has only been strengthened in the first week. Everyone has been very friendly towards me and they try to involve me in things. I do not speak Dutch nor understand it, however they try to speak English to also include me.
At the moment I am spending a lot of time on my research for school. For this I am doing research to find out how we can optimise outbound processes from the warehouse office perspective. The division between school and gaining working experience was my own decision. I believe that it is important to work a large amount of time on my report for school. The rest of the time I will be gaining working experience by overseeing how the processes are going, walking through the warehouse and doing measurements when necessary.
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Linsey van Leeuwen
HR Manager